Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bryan begins a blog

Seminal event. Hopefully. My first blog post ever. 9/9/08 - I guess I should wait a year for numerical elegance, but the time just feels right. I'm hoping blogging will solve a number of problems for me.

A dynamic, ubiquitously available journal for my thoughts and reflections on readings and whatnot. for years I've wanted a solution to the ever growing box(es) of paper (articles, papers. etc) following me around the world. And I save only the best ones! ones that I've marked up and thought I might find useful again someday. so right out of the gate I lose a great deal of content, and then the I "lose" the stuff that I do keep in the box(es).

This blog is for me. I need a searchable system. One that I can mark with keywords and comments. It needs to be near real-time, available where I am - either to post or to query. sounds like a web-log!

Scanning is cumbersome, but given that the vast majority of what I read now originates on the web, that will be an ever decreasing issue.

In my ideal world I'd go back and scan all the stuff I've ever read - thats likely rediculously difficult though. Better to "just go forward". And if life takes me back to any of those readings, I'll scan/link/reflect from there.

The writing aspects of this excite me as well. Everyone I know is constantly on me about writing. Hopefully I can create a habit of writing informally and in doing so potentially create some passages beneficial to others. The key is to just start writing and to make it a habit.

I'm quite optimistic at this moment. Really hopeful that I can make this a life-discipline.

So, here's to life on the web - may it be abundant!

1 comment:

mek said...

Good luck on your new writing venture. I'll put you on my blogroll so maybe you'll get a couple more views!

I think you've got a lot swirlin' around in your noggin, so this is as good a place to start. I think many would enrich their day taking a bit of your take in their coffee.