Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Senior Military insights

Fascinating column yesterday by Bob Woodward: Outmaneuvered And Outranked, Military Chiefs Became Outsiders. He writes with such a fantastic style - gripping and fun, he makes you believe he was in the room - but its also pretty difficult to take seriously. I want to believe it but I have a hard time with the sensationalist vibe. I also have a tough time calling this either history (its much to close to have perspective) or journalism (way too much of his opinion is written between the lines).

While its frustrating to see our system breakdown - the have the commander in chief largely bypass his official advisers (the Joint Chiefs), it is somehow refreshing to see a president doing what he has to to find a politically tenable, if risky, military solution. We've got to win the war we're in.

I was interested to read recently that Gen Petreaus stopped voting when he got his second star.

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